microfiche document scanning

Harness the Power of Cloud-Based Document Storage: The PDM Way

At PDM, we understand the ever-evolving nature of business operations. With the rapidly advancing digital age, we believe that adopting smarter, more efficient systems is key to sustainable business success. We’re here today to shed some light on one of these systems – cloud-based document storage.

Cloud-based document storage, in simple terms, is the storage of data on remote servers accessed via the internet, known as “the cloud.” It’s like having a high-tech, vastly spacious filing cabinet at your disposal 24/7, no matter where you are in the world.

How could your business benefit from cloud-based document storage?

Now, why should you consider migrating to cloud-based document storage? Let us illustrate the benefits that could transform your business operations.

1. Enhanced Security

At PDM we prioritise security above all. In traditional systems, document loss due to unforeseen circumstances like fires, floods, or theft can have devastating effects on your business. Cloud storage, however, mitigates these risks. Our advanced security measures include encryption, user authentication, and regular backups, ensuring your data is not only safe but also recoverable.

2. Improved Efficiency

In business, time is indeed money. Traditional, paper-based systems require manual labour to manage, organise, and retrieve documents. On the other hand, our cloud-based document storage system allows instant retrieval of your files. It’s as simple as typing in a keyword and voila, your document is there. This streamlining of processes saves significant time and therefore, money.

3. Reduced Paper Reliance

Transitioning to a cloud-based system doesn’t just offer practical benefits; it also aligns with our vision of a greener tomorrow. By reducing reliance on paper, businesses can make a substantial impact on reducing deforestation and waste, contributing to a healthier environment.

4. Scalability

Business growth often leads to an increased volume of data. With traditional storage, this could mean constantly needing to create more physical space for storage. However, cloud-based storage scales seamlessly with your business. As your business expands, so does your storage capacity, without any additional infrastructure costs.

5. Accessibility

Working remotely or on the go? No problem. With cloud-based storage, your documents are accessible anywhere, anytime, provided you have internet access. This flexibility is a game-changer in today’s increasingly remote workforce.

Get in touch with PDM – the document management specialists

Based in West Yorkshire, PDM specialises in a broad range of document management and storage services. Our mission is to enable businesses to utilise technology to its full potential, enhancing productivity, security, and sustainability.

Remember, transitioning to a new system may seem daunting, but the long-term gains outweigh the short-term efforts.

microfiche document scanning

The many benefits of cloud storage for your business

Here at PDM we often talk about the many benefits that moving to a cloud document storage system can have for businesses. The start of a new year is a great time to take a good look at the systems and processes you use to ensure your business is efficient. With this in mind, we thought we’d cover some of the main benefits of cloud document storage:

1. Increased accessibility – With cloud document storage, you can access your documents from anywhere with an internet connection. This means you can work on the go, from home, or from different locations without having to carry around physical copies of your documents.
2. Improved collaboration – Cloud document storage allows multiple users to access and edit documents simultaneously. This means you can easily collaborate on projects and share updates in real-time.
3. Enhanced security – Cloud document storage providers typically offer robust security measures to protect your documents from unauthorized access and data breaches.
4. Automatic backups – One of the main benefits of cloud document storage is that it automatically backs up your documents in real-time. This means you don’t have to worry about losing your important documents in the event of a computer crash or other unforeseen event.
5. Reduced costs – By using cloud document storage, you can eliminate the need for expensive on-premises servers and storage systems. This can save your business money on hardware and maintenance costs.
6. Increased storage capacity – Most cloud document storage providers offer a generous amount of storage space, allowing you to store more documents than you would be able to on your local computer or network.
7. Enhanced document management – Many cloud document storage providers offer tools and features that make it easier to organise, search, and access your documents. This can save you time and improve your overall productivity.
8. Improved disaster recovery – In the event of a disaster, such as a fire or flood, your documents stored in the cloud will be safe and accessible. This can help you recover from a disaster more quickly and with minimal disruption to your business.
9. Enhanced accessibility for remote workers – With cloud document storage, remote workers can access and edit documents just as easily as if they were in the office. This can help improve collaboration and productivity among remote teams.
10. Improved integration with other tools and services – Many cloud document storage providers offer integration with popular productivity tools, such as Microsoft Office, Google Drive, and Dropbox. This can make it easier to work with your documents across different platforms and devices.

secure document storage from Pro-Doc

Is your head in the clouds?

The future looks bright for cloud storage solutions

Whereas talk of ‘paperless offices’ once seemed like something from science fiction, thanks to rapid developments in the technology behind today’s document management solutions, the dream of a paperless office looks set to become reality. This is great news on two fronts, particularly for businesses keen to reduce wastage and improve efficiency and in terms of the reduction in storage space and admin costs it could offer.

Cloud document storage solutions from PDM

Please excuse the pun but if you’ve missed out on making the most of the latest cloud document storage solutions, your head must have been in the clouds. Sorry! Anyway, if you don’t know what cloud storage is, it is simply the term used to refer to the practice of using remote services to store, process and manage data. Think of it as a vast virtual filing cabinet with enough space to store all your documents without taking up a single square inch of physical storage space. Sounds good doesn’t it and thanks to the benefits cloud storage offers in terms of security, efficiency, data recovery and ‘shareability’, it is now widely used by millions of businesses of all sizes across the globe.

No need to compromise on document security

One of the first concerns for many businesses is, understandably, the security of cloud storage. There’s an element of risk to all forms of storage; after all paper documents are easily lost, damaged or destroyed. Cloud storage IS safe and secure and the benefits it offers far outweigh any negligible risk.

It’s worth bearing in mind that although the concept of storing business-critical paperwork in a virtual filing cabinet might seem scary if you’ve never tried it before, sending email once felt like this to many people! Electronic document management will soon be seen in the same way, with businesses coming to rely upon it just as they now rely upon email.

Cloud storage solutions from PDM

Here at PDM we work with businesses and organisations of all shapes and sizes, providing safe, secure and reliable online storage solutions. The ideal way to improve efficiency, encourage collaborative working and free up physical storage space, cloud storage offers significant benefits.

To find out more about how we could help you, why not get in touch to talk through your requirements?

document management for schools

Document management services for schools, colleges and universities

Specialist document management services designed to ensure safeguarding

Here at PDM we provide a range of specialist document management services for schools, colleges and universities, specially designed to meet the unique requirements of these organisations.

Document management in the education sector is covered by a range of guidelines and legislation. From the integration of paper records, through to document scanning and secure data storage, we can provide your with the solutions you need to ensure your systems are in line with the latest requirements.

Protect student records, archive management and more

We work with schools and colleges throughout the UK, helping them find effective solutions designed to meet the challenges of managing and storing student data and archives. Our document scanning and cloud storage systems can help you store large amounts of student information, providing document security for universities and schools.

Scanning student records

Thanks to our state-of-the-art scanning equipment, we have the capability to scan large volumes of student information quickly and efficiently. Once scanned, student records can then be converted in secure digital documents, designed to be searchable and easy to access.

Archive storage

Not only do paper archives take up huge amounts of storage space, they are also susceptible to loss or damage. Once student archives have been scanned, online cloud storage offers an ideal way to store important information and records in a digital format, ready to be accessed as and when you need them. Not only is this a great way to improve security, it also offers the opportunity to store outdated archives off-site or to have them securely shredded.

Data capture services

Having worked with a wide range of schools, colleges and universities, at PDM we understand just how time-consuming data processing can be. Manually entering the data from application forms and other documents is very labour intensive but using our data capture service offers a cost-effective, efficient alternative. Information such as student numbers, names and addresses can be automatically captured before being stored in your preferred format and imported back into your systems.

Contact PDM to find out more about our specialist services for schools and universities

If you would like to find out more about how our specialist document management services could help you cut cost and improve efficiency, why not get in touch today for further information?

secure document storage from Pro-Doc

Looking for cloud document storage solutions?

Cloud document storage solutions provided by Pro-Doc

You’d have to have had your head in the clouds (excuse the pun!) to have never heard of cloud document storage. If you’re looking for a space-saving way to store, manage and access your businesses documentation and paperwork, cloud document storage offers an ideal cost-effective solution.

If you run your own business there are likely to have been times when you’ve cursed the amount of paper in your office, or the seemingly endless flow of documents which seem to be passed from department to department. Every business – regardless of size – faces the never-ending challenge of document storage as from operational records through to invoices and HR; paperwork can slowly begin to take over your business premises.

Cloud storage provides the answer to document storage problems and more

Here at Pro-Doc we provide a range of highly-effective solutions, designed to help businesses and organisations reduce their reliance on paper, improve efficiency, reduce costs and increase storage space.

In order to be converted in to a digital format, paperwork must first be scanned before it is digitised, ready to be securely stored online. Our high-speed scanning equipment has the capability to scan thousands of documents accurately and efficiently, regardless of the age or type of document. Offering the ideal solution for everything from HR records and invoices, through to archives or architectural plans, digital document scanning can be used to create digital versions of all your business-critical information.

Once documents have been scanned and converted, they can be easily accessed, searched, indexed, archived and more using an online document management system. Documents are stored in the ‘cloud’ and all this means is that they are securely stored online, ready to be accessed as and when you and your team need them. Not only is this a highly secure method of document storage, paperwork is protected from external threats such as fire and flood.

Contact Pro-Doc to find out how we can help you

Here at Pro-Doc we offer a range of secure document storage and management solutions which can be tailored to meet the individual requirements of your business or organisation. From free basic document archive applications, designed to be stored on your own network, through to comprehensive cloud-based document management systems, we can help you streamline process, improve efficiency and cut costs.

To find out more and to discuss your individual requirements, why not get in touch today?

document management services

Preparing to go paperless? Online document storage offers the ideal solution

Cut costs and improve efficiency with online document storage solutions

If going paperless is one of your business goals, online document storage is the ideal way to streamline your systems, reduce storage space and cut down costs. All businesses face the prospect of finding ingenious ways to process and store paperwork which can easily begin to take over your premises.

How can PDM help?

Here at PDM we offer a range of document management and archive solutions, available for businesses and organisations of all shapes and sizes. Digitising your documents by using our document scanning service is the ideal way to help free up valuable storage and office space.

Documents of all sizes and format are suitable for scanning, from architectural plans and historical archives, through to financial and legal paperwork such as contracts or invoices. We use powerful high-speed scanning equipment with the capability to scan documents quickly and efficiently, before converting them into the digital format of your choice. Once scanned and digitised, documents can then be stored using a secure online storage facility.

Digitised documents can be easily accessed and are designed to be shared and viewed easily – regardless of where you are. Not only does this offer an effective way to reduce the amount of paper you need and physical document storage, it also has the potential to vastly improve staff collaboration and streamline systems.

Online document storage offers the following benefits:

  • Data is stored securely and found and retrieved from multiple locations using a web browser
  • Relevant permissions can be set, enabling you to control who has access to certain documents
  • Digitised documents can be filed and indexed in an electronic ‘filing cabinet’; designed to eradicate time spent looking for documents. Keyword search functionality is available and can be used to find information quickly

Contact PDM to find out more

We work with a wide range of businesses and organisations, from schools and colleges, through to legal firms and manufacturing companies. If you’d like to find out more about the benefits that online document storage could offer your business or organisation please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

document management storage solutions

Make improved streamlined document management a New Year resolution for your business

So it’s the time of year when we make New Year resolutions and alongside the usual suspects such as losing a few pounds or getting more exercise, why not thinking about making some resolutions for your business?

From improving efficiency and taking on new staff, through to reducing overheads or even relocating to new premises, streamlining the way to you manage, share and store data can have a significant impact upon all of these areas and more.

Maximise office space with online document storage

If your office is feeling cramped and cluttered, rather than going to the trouble and expense of moving, it can be well worth taking a good look at how much storage space is being taken up by paperwork and documents. Using online document storage is the ideal way to free up space and once paper documents have been scanned and digitised, they can be securely shredded or moved to an off-site storage facility. Online document is completely safe and secure and once converted into a digital format, documents can be shared or accessed at the touch of a button.

Document scanning designed to increase productivity and improve accuracy

Depending on the nature of your business, document scanning and data capture offers a highly efficient way to record and store data. Unlike manual data entry which is incredibly time-consuming, document scanning and data capture are accurate, fast methods of entering large volumes of information, helping you speed up data processing and make better use of staff time.

Ensure you meet the new GDPR regulations

As we’ve discussed in previous blog posts, there’s not long to go until the new GDPR regulations come into effect. By digitising your records, your staff will be able to find data much faster whilst helping to ensure you meet the GDPR regulations which will come into effect in May this year.

Get ready to meet your 2018 business goals

Regardless of what you do or how you do it, here at Pro-Doc we offer a range of effective document management solutions suitable for businesses and organisations of all shapes and sizes. From schools and colleges, through to manufacturing and financial companies, our document management services can help you save time and money.

If you would like to find out more, please don’t hesitate to get in touch to talk through your individual requirements.


document management services from Pro-Doc

Are your office documents as protected as they could be?

Take stock of document storage systems

As we discussed in our last blog post, the new GDPR data protection regulations are looming and with this in mind, now is the ideal time to take stock of how you store your businesses’ documentation onsite.

The GDPR data protection regulations will be very significant for businesses of all shapes and sizes as the monetary penalties for failing to comply could be up to 4% of your global turnover or £20 million – whichever amount is greater.

Does your business store personal data?

The term ‘personal data’ applies to any confidential information which could be used to identify and individual such as their name, date of birth etc. ‘Sensitive data’ covers information on ethnicity or sexual preference, for example.

Is your data adequately protected?

Under existing Data Protection Act guidelines, businesses are obliged to ensure that data is stored safely and securely. However, the majority of modern offices are designed in an open-plan layout which can compromise the management, security and access of data. This can prove to be of particular issue for Human Resources departments and for any businesses who need to store confidential information on employees.

Document security health check

Carrying out a document security ‘health check’ is a good way to ensure everything is as secure as it could be, whilst reminding yourself and your employees of the importance of data protection. Things to think about include:

  • Where are paper documents currently stored e.g. desk drawers or filing cabinets?
  • Which members of staff have access to personal data?
  • Is their access controlled?
  • Are document storage areas locked at the end of each day?
  • Are records kept of who is accessing information and when?

Make the most of online document management systems

Probably the single most effective step you can take to improve the security of documentation and data is by switching to an online (cloud-based) document storage system. Documents are bulk scanned – this is a process which is suitable for all types of documents, from HR through to accounts and legal documents – before being stored electronically. Data can be accessed or shared at the touch of a button, providing you with the peace of mind that the information you need is secure but readily available.

Contact PDM to find out more

If you would like to find out more about document protection and storage, here at PDM we offer a range of services, designed to help businesses and organisations improve security, streamline systems and reduce costs. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch to discuss your requirements.

document management solutions from Pro-Doc

The latest trends in electronic document management

Using electronic document storage can help save you time and money

Investing in document management systems whilst reducing reliance upon paper has long been seen as goal for UK businesses and organisations. Although the benefits of electronic document management systems are widely recognised, a surprising number of businesses are still failing to recognise and embrace the advantages of a paperless office.

A number of trends have recently emerged in document management and although many have been around for some time, only now are they becoming recognised as the norm. Here are a few examples of some existing and emerging trends in document management:

  1. Collaboration

Collaboration between colleagues is, of course, widely recognised as a way to enhance project outcomes. Sharing recourses, knowledge and experience can only be a good thing and by using cloud document storage, you’ll be taking a significant step in improving collaboration and efficiency. Cloud storage allows for documents to be updated and shared, whilst notes, ideas and details of discussions can be added and viewed by all involved.


  1. Improving workflow

Whilst project management systems offer a useful way to collaborate with colleagues, they usually work as stand-alone systems which require individual users to sign in to different software platforms. A cloud document storage system provides workflow which can be tailored to meet the individual requirements of different businesses; offering the capability to automatically direct documents to the relevant member of staff.


  1. Cloud document storage

Put simply, the cloud is where it’s at. Offering a highly effective, reliable way to digitally manage documents, cloud document storage can help you dramatically reduce the costs incurred by manually searing through and storing paper files. Cloud storage keeps documents safe and ready to be accessed whenever and wherever you need to. Information can be found using simple keyword search and thanks to the enhanced security provided by the latest systems, cloud document storage is widely viewed as the gold standard for managing electronic files.


Document management systems from Pro-Doc


If you would like to find out more about the benefits of electronic document management, or to discuss your requirements, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We are a specialist document management company based in Bradford, with many years of experience in providing safe, secure document management solutions, designed to help our clients save time, money and improve workflows.





scanning legal documents

What’s the best way to manage legal documents?

Document management advice from Pro-Doc

Whilst electronic document management offers significant benefits for legal firms, making the move from paper to digital still presents a huge leap of faith for many companies.

In the not so distant past, the management of legal documentation of meant managing paper, back in the time when ‘cloud’ meant something white and fluffy that floats in the sky! Thanks to advances in technology, the way in which documents are managed has changed beyond all recognition and increasing numbers of firms are choosing to manage legal contracts, documents, correspondence etc. electronically.

A good document management system offers the capability for law firms to improve customer and increase efficiency whilst maintaining high standards of security and confidentiality. Provided a document management system is simple yet efficient to use, lawyers and legal professionals will be free to concentrate on what they do best.

As is the case with all businesses, law firms come in all shapes and sizes and what works for one, might not be suitable for another. To find out what type of document management system is best for your business, it helps to take a long, hard look at what you do and how you do it. For example, a large law firm covering a broad geographical area and wide range of different types of clients is likely to have a large, mobile team of lawyers working on all sorts of devices. In this case they’d be likely to need a completely secure system, which is designed to be flexible, adaptable and very user-friendly.

Cost effective document management and storage solutions

Cost is also likely to be a significant factor for many law firms, especially sole practitioners operating on the high street. With this in mind, investing in a document management system doesn’t mean forking out for a massive system as there are a number of different approaches which can be taken, with options to suit most budgets.

Contact Pro-Doc to find out more

If you would like to find out more about our document management services, or to talk through your individual requirements, please don’t hesitate to contact Pro-Doc today.