human resources document data management

The implications of GDPR for HR Departments

Document management solutions for HR Departments

Electronic document management solutions are widely used by human resources departments, offering a cost effective way to manage and store searchable employee records. However, as a result of the new GDPR regulations, it is likely to be necessary for many organisations to consider additional categorisation of records if they are to meet their data management and protection obligations.

The new GDPR regulations give employees the right to find out which data their employer processes, why it is processed and where it is stored. With this in mind, HR departments will have to find a way to manage this change, with the categorisation of HR records by type and an efficient HR records management system likely to be the most effective solutions. It is now also important for employers to have an effective method of finding and removing information, as well as a process to manage when data is deleted, for example when an employee leaves the company. In addition, systems will also need to be established with the aim of removing data if requested by an employee and which the employer has no legitimate reason to store.

Take control with document management solutions from Pro-Doc

Our online document management solutions offer the ideal way for HR departments to store data securely, ensuring information is found quickly using an efficient quick search tool. We can also help you categorise data in order to suit your requirements, ensuring you meet the new GDPR regulations both now and in the future.

Here at Pro-Doc we offer a wide range of document management solutions which are designed to be tailored according to the requirements of different organisations. Whether your records are currently in a paper format and need to be digitised, or you need to find a way to improve data security and management, we have the expertise to help.

Contact Pro-Doc to find out more

If you would like to find out more about how our document management solutions could help you meet your GDPR obligations whilst improving efficiency and cutting costs, why not get in touch to discuss your requirements?

document management and scanning services

Worried about sensitive documents? Keep them safe and secure with a document management system

Document management systems from PDM

Every now and then there’s a story in the news about a senior politician or civil servant leaving highly sensitive documents on the train or a bus. Not only is this sort of scenario a nightmare for government, it’s can also prove hugely stressful and problematic for businesses.

The single most effective way to avoid a stressful situation such as this is through digital document management and here at PDM we provide businesses and organisations of all shapes and sizes a range of cost-effective solutions:

Document scanning: having business-critical paperwork scanned is the first step in converting them into security digital versions. Document scanning offers an effective way to save paperwork from being lost, damaged or stolen whilst travelling, whilst also helping you save on physical document storage space. Once scanned, digital documents can be easily indexed, allowing you to search documents quickly to find the information you need.

Data capture: this is the process used to ‘capture’ the information you need from scanned documents. Not only do physical documents take up large amounts of space, they can also be extremely time consuming to search through. Once we’ve scanned and digitised your documents, a number of methods can be used to capture the data within files, ensuring it’s ready to access as and when you need it.

Document management: not only is a document management system a highly effective way to prevent important information from being lost or damaged, it could also enable you to improve efficiency and streamline your business. Perfect for any organisation which needs to access files and information from a range of different locations, digital document management is a bit like having a filing cabinet stored in your tablet or laptop!

Contact PDM to find out how to protect your business critical documents

At PDM we work with businesses and organisations of all shapes and sizes, from commercial companies and legal firms, through to schools and colleges. We can provide you with tailor made solutions, designed to meet the individual requirements of your business, so to find out more, why not get in touch with us today?

pro-doc document management services

Are you ready for GDPR?

Document storage solutions to help your business meet the new GDPR regulations

With around eight weeks to go until the new GDPR regulations come into effect, if you’re worried about GDPR and the impact it could have on the way your company stores and manages personal data, we offer a range of services which can help you meet the new requirements.

What is GDPR?

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) represents the largest and most important change to data privacy in the last two decades. Covering the protection of personal data that companies store and use to identify covering individuals, such as their name, address and contact number, along with sensitive information such as gender.

The culmination of four years of work to ensure data protection meets the demands of the 21st century, in the UK GDPR will supersede the Data Protection Act 1998. Designed to offer more control over how organisations use our data, with stringent penalties issued to organisations which don’t comply, GDPR is designed to ensure data protection law is consistent across the European Union.

Does GDPR apply to you?

The answer to this is yes if you control or process personal data and this is something which is likely to apply to the majority of businesses, organisations and charities in the UK. Data storage is an important consideration and here at PDM we offer a range of cost-effective secure solutions, designed to help you protect your business-critical data. From document scanning designed to convert paper documents into a digital format, through to online cloud-storage and data capture, we provide document management systems to help you meet the new GDPR regulations and more.

Contact PDM for further advice

Our services are available to business of all shapes and sizes; from specialist services for legal companies, schools and colleges, through to SMEs, manufacturers and more. Using our services is not only a great way to provide yourself with peace of mind that you are in line with GDPR, but could also help you save time, money and improve efficiency.

To find out more to obtain a free, no-obligation quote, why not get in touch today?


document management for schools

Document management services for schools, colleges and universities

Specialist document management services designed to ensure safeguarding

Here at PDM we provide a range of specialist document management services for schools, colleges and universities, specially designed to meet the unique requirements of these organisations.

Document management in the education sector is covered by a range of guidelines and legislation. From the integration of paper records, through to document scanning and secure data storage, we can provide your with the solutions you need to ensure your systems are in line with the latest requirements.

Protect student records, archive management and more

We work with schools and colleges throughout the UK, helping them find effective solutions designed to meet the challenges of managing and storing student data and archives. Our document scanning and cloud storage systems can help you store large amounts of student information, providing document security for universities and schools.

Scanning student records

Thanks to our state-of-the-art scanning equipment, we have the capability to scan large volumes of student information quickly and efficiently. Once scanned, student records can then be converted in secure digital documents, designed to be searchable and easy to access.

Archive storage

Not only do paper archives take up huge amounts of storage space, they are also susceptible to loss or damage. Once student archives have been scanned, online cloud storage offers an ideal way to store important information and records in a digital format, ready to be accessed as and when you need them. Not only is this a great way to improve security, it also offers the opportunity to store outdated archives off-site or to have them securely shredded.

Data capture services

Having worked with a wide range of schools, colleges and universities, at PDM we understand just how time-consuming data processing can be. Manually entering the data from application forms and other documents is very labour intensive but using our data capture service offers a cost-effective, efficient alternative. Information such as student numbers, names and addresses can be automatically captured before being stored in your preferred format and imported back into your systems.

Contact PDM to find out more about our specialist services for schools and universities

If you would like to find out more about how our specialist document management services could help you cut cost and improve efficiency, why not get in touch today for further information?

document management services

Preparing to go paperless? Online document storage offers the ideal solution

Cut costs and improve efficiency with online document storage solutions

If going paperless is one of your business goals, online document storage is the ideal way to streamline your systems, reduce storage space and cut down costs. All businesses face the prospect of finding ingenious ways to process and store paperwork which can easily begin to take over your premises.

How can PDM help?

Here at PDM we offer a range of document management and archive solutions, available for businesses and organisations of all shapes and sizes. Digitising your documents by using our document scanning service is the ideal way to help free up valuable storage and office space.

Documents of all sizes and format are suitable for scanning, from architectural plans and historical archives, through to financial and legal paperwork such as contracts or invoices. We use powerful high-speed scanning equipment with the capability to scan documents quickly and efficiently, before converting them into the digital format of your choice. Once scanned and digitised, documents can then be stored using a secure online storage facility.

Digitised documents can be easily accessed and are designed to be shared and viewed easily – regardless of where you are. Not only does this offer an effective way to reduce the amount of paper you need and physical document storage, it also has the potential to vastly improve staff collaboration and streamline systems.

Online document storage offers the following benefits:

  • Data is stored securely and found and retrieved from multiple locations using a web browser
  • Relevant permissions can be set, enabling you to control who has access to certain documents
  • Digitised documents can be filed and indexed in an electronic ‘filing cabinet’; designed to eradicate time spent looking for documents. Keyword search functionality is available and can be used to find information quickly

Contact PDM to find out more

We work with a wide range of businesses and organisations, from schools and colleges, through to legal firms and manufacturing companies. If you’d like to find out more about the benefits that online document storage could offer your business or organisation please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

document management storage solutions

Make improved streamlined document management a New Year resolution for your business

So it’s the time of year when we make New Year resolutions and alongside the usual suspects such as losing a few pounds or getting more exercise, why not thinking about making some resolutions for your business?

From improving efficiency and taking on new staff, through to reducing overheads or even relocating to new premises, streamlining the way to you manage, share and store data can have a significant impact upon all of these areas and more.

Maximise office space with online document storage

If your office is feeling cramped and cluttered, rather than going to the trouble and expense of moving, it can be well worth taking a good look at how much storage space is being taken up by paperwork and documents. Using online document storage is the ideal way to free up space and once paper documents have been scanned and digitised, they can be securely shredded or moved to an off-site storage facility. Online document is completely safe and secure and once converted into a digital format, documents can be shared or accessed at the touch of a button.

Document scanning designed to increase productivity and improve accuracy

Depending on the nature of your business, document scanning and data capture offers a highly efficient way to record and store data. Unlike manual data entry which is incredibly time-consuming, document scanning and data capture are accurate, fast methods of entering large volumes of information, helping you speed up data processing and make better use of staff time.

Ensure you meet the new GDPR regulations

As we’ve discussed in previous blog posts, there’s not long to go until the new GDPR regulations come into effect. By digitising your records, your staff will be able to find data much faster whilst helping to ensure you meet the GDPR regulations which will come into effect in May this year.

Get ready to meet your 2018 business goals

Regardless of what you do or how you do it, here at Pro-Doc we offer a range of effective document management solutions suitable for businesses and organisations of all shapes and sizes. From schools and colleges, through to manufacturing and financial companies, our document management services can help you save time and money.

If you would like to find out more, please don’t hesitate to get in touch to talk through your individual requirements.


document management services from Pro-Doc

Are your office documents as protected as they could be?

Take stock of document storage systems

As we discussed in our last blog post, the new GDPR data protection regulations are looming and with this in mind, now is the ideal time to take stock of how you store your businesses’ documentation onsite.

The GDPR data protection regulations will be very significant for businesses of all shapes and sizes as the monetary penalties for failing to comply could be up to 4% of your global turnover or £20 million – whichever amount is greater.

Does your business store personal data?

The term ‘personal data’ applies to any confidential information which could be used to identify and individual such as their name, date of birth etc. ‘Sensitive data’ covers information on ethnicity or sexual preference, for example.

Is your data adequately protected?

Under existing Data Protection Act guidelines, businesses are obliged to ensure that data is stored safely and securely. However, the majority of modern offices are designed in an open-plan layout which can compromise the management, security and access of data. This can prove to be of particular issue for Human Resources departments and for any businesses who need to store confidential information on employees.

Document security health check

Carrying out a document security ‘health check’ is a good way to ensure everything is as secure as it could be, whilst reminding yourself and your employees of the importance of data protection. Things to think about include:

  • Where are paper documents currently stored e.g. desk drawers or filing cabinets?
  • Which members of staff have access to personal data?
  • Is their access controlled?
  • Are document storage areas locked at the end of each day?
  • Are records kept of who is accessing information and when?

Make the most of online document management systems

Probably the single most effective step you can take to improve the security of documentation and data is by switching to an online (cloud-based) document storage system. Documents are bulk scanned – this is a process which is suitable for all types of documents, from HR through to accounts and legal documents – before being stored electronically. Data can be accessed or shared at the touch of a button, providing you with the peace of mind that the information you need is secure but readily available.

Contact PDM to find out more

If you would like to find out more about document protection and storage, here at PDM we offer a range of services, designed to help businesses and organisations improve security, streamline systems and reduce costs. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch to discuss your requirements.

scanning legal documents

Is your business ready to meet the new GDPR regulations?

Document management systems to help you comply with GDPR

We’re now only six months away from the implementation of the new GDPR data protection regulations and if you’ve been putting off thinking ahead, now is the time to start getting your business ready.

Whilst the GDPR changes aren’t rocket science, it’s important to allow plenty to time to get your systems in order, ready to the new requirements. Remember that failure to meet and stick to the regulations covering data protection, could leave you at risk of having to pay a hefty fine.

What is GDPR?

The GDPR regulations are set to have a significant impact upon the way your company manages, processes and stores sensitive and personal information. GDPR will cover any information which could be used to identify an individual, such as their name, address or cultural orientation, in a similar way to the Data Protection Act.

However the difference between the current Data Protection Act and GDPR is that the new regulations also cover data collected from contemporary sources such as the usernames or pseudonyms used on social media platforms and IP addresses.

Practical steps to take to ensure you comply:

  1. Regardless of whether you store data in filing cabinets or electronically, you need to make sure you can access all the required information. However you store data, GDPR gives each individual the right to be erased from your CRM database or any other documentation you might have which relates to their details.

Being unable to locate the required information could cost you time and money so this is where a secure document scanning service could prove invaluable. Here at PDM we provide a range of secure document scanning services, including specially designed services for legal firms, schools and colleges. Scanning documents is the ideal way to transfer them into an easy to search, digital format, ready to be accessed as and when you need them.

  1. One of the most important aspects of the new GDPR regulations is the ability to keep personal data safe and secure. Paper documents can be easily mislaid, misfiled or lost; resulting in information falling in to the wrong hands, leading to a potential breach of data.

Each time a document is moved around it is at risk of loss, regardless of whether the document is in paper or electronic form. Cases of government officials leaving sensitive documents on trains are classic examples and a reminder of how important it is to ensure that data is protected. The solution to secure document storage is electronic document management and at PDM we work with companies to find an effective solution, designed to meet their individual requirements, helping to meet data protection legislation.

  1. To further safeguard important documents, periods of retention are put into place. The amount of time documents must be stored for varies from industry to industry. In addition, some documents such as personal data might be required to be destroyed after a set date as a way of ensuring they can’t be accessed again. Failure to destroy documents after a customer has asked you to do so is a breach of data protection and could result in a significant penalty. With this in mind it’s important to remember storing multiple copies of documents, or failure to accurately record retention periods, is likely to result in a major loss of time and money.

Document storage and archive management systems provide a highly effective solution to the issue of retention periods. Not only will a document storage system help you to free up valuable office space, it will also guarantee security whilst saving your employees significant amounts of time spent manually searching through paperwork.

Contact PDM for document management and storage advice

Here at PDM we have many years of experience in helping companies and organisations of all shapes and sizes find effective document storage solutions. We’ll use our expertise to find the ideal solution for you, helping you meet the new GDPR regulations whilst also saving money and improving efficiency.

If you would like to find out more please get in touch with us today by calling 01274 883459.



document management services

Our tips for achieving streamlined document storage

Document management and storage solutions designed to help you save time and money

Imagine an efficient, productive office, free from piles of paperwork and unfiled documents. If this is something you dream about, moving to an off-site document management system could be hugely beneficial for your business. Not only does off-site document management create much needed office space, it is also likely to encourage an increase in productivity.

Outsourcing your documentation means that your paperwork is completely secure, whilst searching for individual files will no longer be as time consuming as it is at the moment, with the days of hunting through filing cabinets well and truly consigned to the past!

Document management systems to meet your individual requirements

If you’d like to turn the dream of a streamlined, efficient office into a reality, choosing to work with a specialist document management company such as Pro-Doc should be the first step you take. We have a proven track record of providing secure document storage and archive systems for companies of all shapes and sizes and by using our services, you’ll be able to relax in the knowledge that your documents will be available for access as and when you need them.

We offer a range of document storage and management services, designed to take the hassle out of managing paperwork, records and archives. From document scanning and data capture, through to specialist services for legal firms, schools and colleges, we can help you safely and securely tackle that paperwork mountain.

It’s well worth bearing in mind that all types of documents in all sizes can be successfully captured and stored; from historical documents and architectural plans, to legal paperwork and financial documents. We work closely with all our clients to find the best and most efficient solution for them, offering a wide range of options including cloud-based document storage and cost-effective high speed scanning.

Contact PDM to find out more about

If you would like to find out more about the many benefits of switching to a document management system, please don’t hesitate to contact us to talk through your requirements.

offsite document storage

Protect your important documents by storing them off-site

Are you making the most of offsite document storage?

Regardless of the size or the nature of your business, you’ll be at risk in some way or another to theft, flood, and fire or cyber-attack. Although these risks can never be completely eliminated, they can certainly be minimised and planned for.

Of course if the worst happens and a disaster befalls your business, paper documents and records can be at most risk of damage or loss. This is where offsite document storage, combined with an online document management system, can prove invaluable.

How and where you store your records should form part of your business continuity plan and things to consider include:

  • Where do you store your documents?
  • Are they in a safe, protected area, away from possible damage by the elements?
  • Who can access your documents?
  • Has your documentation been backed up?

It’s worth bearing in mind that even a minor disaster could have a significant impact on your business. Think about what would happen if you lost all of your customer or employee information? Not only would this affect your business, it could also lead to hefty penalties for non-compliance with data protection regulations.

What are the benefits of offsite document storage?

Whilst planning for a disaster seems very doom and gloom, offsite document storage offers a great way to protect your key business information from the elements, theft or loss. The range of benefits offered includes:

  • Faster document retrieval
  • Increased office and storage space
  • Improved productivity
  • Reduction in costs
  • Managed destruction dates

Moving to an offsite document storage system is relatively simple and by working with a specialist document storage provider such as PDM, we’ll use our expertise to ensure everything is as straightforward as possible.

Contact PDM to discuss your document storage requirements

To prepare your records for offsite storage, we’ll scan them into a digital format, ready to be stored offline and available for access as and when you need them. We provide a wide range of offsite document storage systems, with options suitable for businesses and organisations of all shapes and sizes. Regardless of your requirements, we’ll identify a system that works for you, helping you improve efficiency and reduce costs.