Entries by admin

How a digital mail-room could help your business work smarter

The majority of businesses still rely on sending and receiving paper post, despite the fact that many are still working from home under current lock down regulations. Sorting, distributing and sending traditional paper post is a very inefficient way to work and manage a mail room, especially when staff are scattered far and wide and […]

Human resources departments are at risk of being over-burdened by paperwork

Transform the efficiency of your HR department with a specially designed document management system As a result of the nature of their work, unfortunately human resources departments are often very reliant on significant amounts of paperwork. From job application forms, through to staff reviews, feedback and staff management, HR processes tend to be very paper-heavy. […]

Where next for cloud-based document storage?

The past 10 months or so have clarified what we already know: being able to access your data regardless of where you are is vital to the continuity and even survival of your business. Those organisations which still rely upon working with on-site system found themselves facing real problems in accessing information remotely; either because […]

What are the business benefits of document scanning?

Document scanning services from PDM – the document experts If your business relays upon having regular access to documents and records, the chances are that you have large amounts of physical documents to store. Document scanning offers a highly efficient and cost-effective way to reduce the amount of physical storage space your business needs. In […]

New Year, new approach to working?

Document management and storage solutions from PDM A New Year is the ideal time to make a fresh start and maybe try a few changes! With this in mind, the last few months have been incredibly challenging for many businesses who’ve had to cope with finding ways to management working from home, whilst maintaining normal […]

Discover a new way of working with PIQNIC

PDM – PIQNIC certified partners in the UK As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, many businesses are looking for new ways of working; especially as a result of the challenges posed by working from home. PIQNIC provides a highly effective solution, whether you’re searching for ways to manage the ‘new normal’, or are looking […]

Save time and money with our specialist services for legal firms

Legal work often means having to invest time and money copying legal documents. In addition, copying costs can be difficult or even impossible to recoup when calculating fees for a case. Here at Pro-Doc we provide a number of specialist services designed for legal firms, providing an efficient way to save staff time, whilst cutting […]