Entries by admin

The implications of GDPR for HR Departments

Document management solutions for HR Departments Electronic document management solutions are widely used by human resources departments, offering a cost effective way to manage and store searchable employee records. However, as a result of the new GDPR regulations, it is likely to be necessary for many organisations to consider additional categorisation of records if they […]

GDPR is almost here!

Are you ready to meet your GDPR data management obligations? With only two days to go until the new GDPR regulations come into force, the chances are that you’re being inundated with emails from companies keen to ensure you agree to continue to receive information from them. If you run your own business, the GDPR […]

Safe and secure document management services for law firms

Specialist legal scan and document management services from Pro-Doc The way in which businesses manage and store paperwork and documents has changed beyond all recognition over the last few years thanks to advances in cloud-based storage, scanning and more. The advantages of electronic document management are clear, however many law firms still have concerns about […]

Is your head in the clouds?

The future looks bright for cloud storage solutions Whereas talk of ‘paperless offices’ once seemed like something from science fiction, thanks to rapid developments in the technology behind today’s document management solutions, the dream of a paperless office looks set to become reality. This is great news on two fronts, particularly for businesses keen to […]

Are you ready for GDPR?

Document storage solutions to help your business meet the new GDPR regulations With around eight weeks to go until the new GDPR regulations come into effect, if you’re worried about GDPR and the impact it could have on the way your company stores and manages personal data, we offer a range of services which can […]

Document management services for schools, colleges and universities

Specialist document management services designed to ensure safeguarding Here at PDM we provide a range of specialist document management services for schools, colleges and universities, specially designed to meet the unique requirements of these organisations. Document management in the education sector is covered by a range of guidelines and legislation. From the integration of paper […]

Looking for cloud document storage solutions?

Cloud document storage solutions provided by Pro-Doc You’d have to have had your head in the clouds (excuse the pun!) to have never heard of cloud document storage. If you’re looking for a space-saving way to store, manage and access your businesses documentation and paperwork, cloud document storage offers an ideal cost-effective solution. If you […]