legal document copying scanning services

Trail bundle digitisation and printing made easy

PDM is able to produce digital and or printed copies of court bundles.

The service provided…

Stage One – Pre review

  1. The bundle is collected.
  2. The bundle is digitised.
  3. Any already digitised files are incorporated.
  4. The bundle is uploaded to a secure web site for review.

Stage Two – Post review

  1. The bundle is paginated, if required.
  2. The bundle can be distributed electronically to third parties as instructed.
  3. The bundle can be printed and filed to replicate the original, as required.
  4. Any hard copy duplicate bundles produced are delivered as instructed.
  5. The original bundle is returned.

The whole process is completed in a professional and precise manner, to agreed timescales.

The next bundle you need to print only takes a phone call.

PDM provide an easy route from this…

Paper overwhelmed


To this…

Sharing + box
For more information please contact Andrew Thirkill on 01274 883459 or by email