hybrid mail services uk

The business benefits of hybrid mail

Our hybrid mail service has been developed by us with the aim of helping our clients streamline their business processes and improve efficiency. So, what is PDM-Post hybrid mail and how does it work?

PDM-Post covers both outgoing mail and incoming mail. Using our outgoing mail service is simple as letters are uploaded by the user to our fully secure PDM-Post portal. Correspondence can either be uploaded either as individual letters or in bulk. Post codes are validated before items are sent, therefore eliminating the expense of incorrectly addressed items. Verification of posting is sent to you via the PDM-Post portal and you’ll also receive a notification of letters which have been returned as undelivered. Lastly, a copy of every letter you send will be stored in the PDM-Post portal.

Incoming mail is received into a dedicated PO box and then delivered to our fully secure processing centre. Once received, hard copy mail is opened and the contents digitally captured before being sent directly our PDM-Post portal inbox. From this point onwards, you’ll be able to download your mail and incorporate it into the system of your choice.

How can moving to hybrid mail benefit your organisation?

Moving to our hybrid mail service offers businesses and organisations of all shapes and sizes. From reduced printing costs and a reduction in paper consumption, through to the eradication of expensive franking machines, switching from a traditional postal system through to hybrid mail can help you make big savings.

It isn’t all about costs though as the other significant advantage of moving to hybrid mail is the benefits is an improvement in efficiency. Staff time is freed up, allowing them to concentrate on more productive tasks instead of sending and receiving mail.

If you’d like to find out more about our hybrid mail services and how they could save your business time and money, why not get in touch?

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